
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

~Fall in the Garden 2019~

I wanted to share some photos of the garden this Fall.
I love having photos as a reminder of what the garden looked like!

We had a wonderful harvest of grapes this year!

Our hard work paid off with lots of recipes using the grapes!
We always love growing pumpkins every year!
The foliage is so beautiful!!

Tomatoes are still growing strong in San Diego!
Our trees produced a lot of pears this year,
so I made a Pear Crisp!

There's nothing like comfort food in the Fall!
~French Onion Soup~
Our 2 puppies!
Sage and Nori are both rescues!
Sage is now 8 months and Nori is 1 year old.
They definitely are a handful but keep us laughing everyday!
They are the cutest even when they're sleeping!