
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

~Summer Tablesetting~

Enjoying the Summer nights with sitting outdoors.
A centerpiece of pretty Crape Myrtle blossoms
 and antique candlesticks show off the farmtable!
I cut branches from our Crape Myrtle
 for the centerpiece! 
Pretty purple glasses, dishes from Home Goods and 
vintage silverware finish the table!
Hope you're all enjoying your Summer!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

~Garden Inspiration -June 2020~

Our garden is ever changing.
That's why we love it so much. 
New seedlings coming up ever season.

Living in Southern California,
the weather temperature is perfect to
grow a variety of flowers, vegetables and plants.


~Happy Gardening~

Friday, January 24, 2020

~Inspirational French Vignette~

I'm always looking for inspiration from the garden!
These beautiful hyacinth flowers created this vignette with 
some French hand-stamped candles I made.
Looking at this past decade, my proudest accomplishments have been starting the Rooted In Thyme blog, our small business, and having my French hand stamped switch plate covers featured in
 Romantic Homes magazine.
It has been a wonderful adventure.
It inspired my creativity in and out of the garden.
Reflecting back my husband, Stan and I sold at multiple craft fairs. One of our favorites is Summers Past Farms in Flinn Springs.

I have been working on different things to refresh my Etsy for 2020
and these are a few of them.
Vintage Bookmarks

French Hand Stamped Candles

I hope everyone is having a great New Year and New Decade!