
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

~Happy Tuesday With Some More Valentine Inspiration~

Happy Tuesday!!
Just sitting down for a little break from cleaning.
Thought I'd share with you my pretty English Rose Quilt.
I placed it on our table and I'm thinking 
about doing a tablescape with it.
What do you think?
Maybe a little feminine but it would set the mood for a 
Romantic Valentine Dinner.
I made this pretty Valentine picture last year.
It looks perfect on our buffet.
A pretty heart necklace and crown adorns
my woman statue.
I made this 
Valentine Paper House.
With some precious Angels on the side.
Glitter embellishments everywhere.
The Angels are busy picking hearts for Valentine's!
I found this laser Paris card while shopping 
up in San Francisco.
A heart latte with
Some chocolate croissants makes my day.
Of course,
 a little sketching to complete the artist in me.

Hope you're all having a 
~Good Tuesday~


  1. Oh, I love all of this! Pinning the little house. :)

  2. Great post, so many beautiful things to look at. Thanks so much for sharing all your pretties with us.
    Have a beautiful Valentine's Day and great rest of the week.

  3. Dear Jody:
    In the movie Enchanted April I remember the line when Mrs. Wilkins calls the house they are staying in "A Tub Full of Love". I love that. What a fun and eclectic post! Happy Valentines Day to you!

  4. I'm madly in love with your Valentine House!

  5. Such a pretty post, the quilt is beautiful and so perfect for Valentine's Day. The little house is adorable and your lady looks great with the tiara and necklace!
    Happy Valentine's Day to you on Sunday!

  6. What gorgeous Valentine's decor, Jody! Those roses are swoon-worthy, too! WOW!

    Have a wonderful week full of love! Hugs! ♥♥♥

  7. So many lovely things, have a great Valentines,xx

  8. Jody & Stan,
    Amazing Valentine's inspirations , dear friends!!!
    I love the quilt as a table cover!!!
    Your artwork is darling. . .
    but those roses are exquisite!!!
    Happy Valentine's Day!!!

  9. Love the pretty table with the beautiful quilt. The little house is just darling - love all the sweetness - so many pretties! xx Karen

  10. I'm so charmed by your quilt, quilts are a so great passion of mine, ... but you've shared so many wonderful pictures of your Valentine's Day decoration and plans, I feel in awe !
    Thank you for this stunning post, my dear friends,
    have a great Valentine's Day,
    with all my heart
