
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

~Vintage Cards for Christmas~

I ordered some vintage cards and 
wanted to glitter them.

Love the verses inside.

Merry Christmas
Just started decorating the house.
A friend sent this from Germany.
My sister, Charmaine, sent these 
sugar pine cones from Lake Tahoe.
So pretty at the front door.
I made this stained glass star years ago.
I always display it for the holidays.

I made some cupcakes for the cookie exchange.
It was a wonderful party.

Now, back to decorating the house.


  1. My, you've been so busy.....baking, and decorating, and creating.
    Love everything!

    Enjoy this wonderful Christmas season.

  2. Merry Christmas, Jody!
    Each time I visit your blog I am amazed at the many talents you display. Your incredible garden, beautiful table settings, tiny creations....and, yet, another special touch. Your Christmas cards are a delight. The delicate whisps of glitter are lovely.
    I look forward to seeing your home when you've finished all your decorating.
    Have a wonderful day, my friend!
    Carolynn xxx

  3. Just beautiful cards and lovely pictures.


  4. Jodie,everything is lovely. I especially love the little log cabin with its snow covered roof.
    The vintage cards hanging on the string are another favourite. Merry Christmas xx

  5. Oh my, so much goodness!! Love your new/old cards and their glittery bits! Your star is lovely, as are your decorations. I love that HUGE pine cone... that would make any squirrel's day! Your cupcakes looked yummy -- let me know the next time you have your cookie exchange (in case you need a taste tester)! :)

  6. That sparkly NOEL is awesome. I love the tarnished look. Thanks for stopping by In His Grip and the very nice comment.
