
Sunday, January 6, 2013

~Homemade Cherry Jam~

When the kids were home for the holidays, they made cherry jam.
Our son, Scott and daughter, Katie found a recipe online. 
The kitchen was filled with cherries everywhere.
I just got a cherry pitter and it made life a lot easier. There's nothing like the taste of fresh jam.
It was a fun cooking project for the whole family.
The kids brought some home when they left and
 we even surprised Stan's mom with some too!
She loved it.
 Homemade cherry jam on fresh bread
 and espresso. 
 ~It's a perfect treat in the morning~
Bon Appetit!


  1. Happy New Year to you and your lovely family !
    This jam looks delicious with this deep red colour !Have a nice week !

  2. Mmmm! The jam looks yummy. I have cherries in the freezer needing to be made into jam. We have cherry trees in our little orchard. How neat that your grown children enjoy making jam together!

  3. It looks delicious. There's nothing like the taste of homemade jam.

  4. Do they make house calls? :D Looks delicious!! Have a great week Jody! :)

  5. I bet your kitchen smelled divine! Looks like your family had a productive and delicious time together! Melinda

  6. My mouth is watering at the thought of the tart cherry jam. Yum!

  7. Looks delicious! Your son and daughter did a great job!!! I'm glad to know that you enjoyed the holidays with your family. Happy New Year to you, too!

  8. oh yum! Thanks for the idea!!

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my heart project. Have a happy week!

  9. I've been putting off attempting jam but this looks so divine I'm going to try it! - so delighted i found this blog!

  10. Cherry jam is one of my favourites! Looks delicious :-)

  11. This looks delicious and what a wonderful activity to share with the family / you must have had a blast! :)
