
Thursday, January 28, 2016

~A Winter Terrarium Project and Simple & Sweet Fridays #204~

I wanted to share with you a terrarium project,
 I made with some girlfriends.
I had to come up with a craft for a birthday party for my friend, Yuri.
I love gardening as you all know, so I thought why not a terrarium.
Its a very easy craft! 
I found the globes at a Floral Supply Store.
We used 2 different kinds of moss.
I collected lots of succulents from our garden.
For the project you can use paint brushes, tweezers, old silverware and chopsticks
to place your plants with.
I found the little mushrooms at a craft store.
 you can make your own with fimo clay.
We used paper plates to work on.
 I placed the terrariums on a mason jar lid to be easier to work with. 
They loved the project!

The birthday girl, Yuri,
was the first to finish!
I gave the birthday girl a Godiva treat!
Every girl loves chocolate!
Tami hosted the birthday party at her beautiful home.
Linda made the drinks, Virginia made a delicious mac and cheese.
Tami made appetizers and lunch. Mary made the birthday cake.
It was a wonderful party.
We always have fun celebrating birthdays in our group!

I found the perfect place to hang the terrarium.

 Sunday was our son, Scott's birthday.
I can't believe he turned 31 years old, 
where did the time go?
I made a German Chocolate cake.
Happy Birthday Scott!

If you have been featured on
Simple & Sweet Fridays,
feel free to add my button!
Rooted In Thyme

Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!

Rooted In Thyme

Monday, January 25, 2016

~Our Winter Garden~

I wanted to share photos of our Winter garden,
in San Diego,
It has rained this Winter,
 which has helped the plants and flowers for the Spring!
Hope you enjoy the garden tour!

Planting sweet peas for the garden today.
It's a colorful fragrant flower!
Hope you enjoyed the
~Winter Garden Tour~