
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

~New Arch for the Garden~

We wanted to share with you photos of our new garden arch.
Stan designed it and made it using our Pear Trees.
The technique is called,
A pleached form can be as simple as two trees trained over a garden gate or walk through display.

Velcro helped keep the design together.

This spring our new arch will display our pear trees. 
We already have 
apple espaliers growing on our fence.
We love the design of showing the fruit.
The birds were very curious.
of Stan and me in the garden.

They're happy they'll have a new arch to sit on in the garden!
A new african violet for the house.
I love their delicate flowers!
With the colder weather in San Diego a fire warms the house.
A beautiful rainbow after the rains
 shows us amazing colors!


  1. That new arch is such a good idea! We had seen that done at the Chicago Botanic garden and my husband wanted to try it but we never did.
    I wish I could come over (!) and see your pretty garden! So many good ideas!

    1. Cindy, If ever you're visiting in San Diego please stop by!

  2. This is awesome, Jody...kudos to Stan as well. I never heard of such a thing! Will you start vines on it? I love your garden space, you guys are always doing something new and innovative. And~~~what kind of birds are those? They are so cute!

    That rainbow...well we deserve them with all of our rain! It has not snowed in Chicago in two months---a record!!

    Jane x

  3. What a delightful post! I love the arch!!! Thank you for this little bit of spring in my very snowy day here... xoxo

  4. Oh and your espaliers apples..what a pic!

    Stan..the man:)

    1. You and Stan are so imaginative and creative that I am constantly amazed. I had seen the term "pleached" often in English novels, but never knew what it meant. You two have created your own private Eden!

  5. Very impressive. It's going to be beautiful as flowers and vines surround it!

  6. The pleached arch looks amazing. I have been thinking of doing that at our house. but we have not planted a pear on the other side yet. Always lots to do in the garden

  7. You and Stan are artists in the garden. Now about the pleaching pear trees...are those new plantings that you are creating the arch with? I might need to do this. :)

  8. That looks wonderful, and you are right, the birds will love it. Our trees, lattice and anything upright around here, has birds in it. Sigh, too cold in Chicagoland to think of doing much of anything yet. Thanks for a glimpse of spring! Sandi

  9. I like that idea! I hope to see future pictures of how the process is doing. Look at all those lovely birds.:) Kit

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