Wednesday, September 25, 2013

~Woodland Birthday Party and Simple & Sweet Fridays #82~

I wanted to share with you photos of my birthday party
 that my girlfriends gave me.
The theme was a "Woodland Garden Party".
They know I love to garden.
 Linda Harding hosted the party at her beautiful home.
The appetizers were served on a 
beautiful burlap garden print tablecloth.
Virginia made the cutest place setting name tags.
She used pails with chalkboard tags and added flowers and birds on top, so creative!!
The appetizers were:
~Strawberries stuffed with Cream Cheese, Rosemary, Honey & Pistachios~
~Garden Dip (Artichokes, Garden Peas, Mint and Feta Cheese)
served with a Fresh Baguette~
~Roasted Beets stacked with Goat Cheese, Cinnamon Apple & Spinach~
So Delicious!!
We ate lunch outside on her patio, the table was set so pretty. My chair was decorated with a beautiful red sash, hydrangeas and bow.
A burlap tablecloth, ornate candlesticks and grapevines
 were used as the centerpiece.
 Just Gorgeous!!
Mark, Tami's husband, cut all the wood to make chargers for the table. Linda placed flowers in between the clear plates.
It looked so pretty!
Virginia, Mary, Me, Tami, Yuri and Linda.
The Birthday Garden Wreath was made by Virginia.
For lunch Linda made
~Roasted Butternut Squash Soup with Garam Masala and Garnished with Pepitas~
~Asian Spice Chicken 
with a Blackberry Gastrique~
~Quinoa with Parsley Butter and Dried Blueberries~
~Arugula Salad with Blueberries and Nasturtium on top.~
Drinks were:
~Prosecco with Chamboard~
~Rosemary Lemon Drops~
It was a Fantastic Meal!!
Mary made a "Tree Stump" cake. It was a Chocolate Nutella Cake decorated with Wafer Paper Butterflies and Meringue Mushrooms.
Spectacular and oh so good!!!
If you'd like to see more photos go check out Mary's blog,
La Bella Vita Design & Inspiration.
Linda also made Miniature Lemon Cheese Cakes
Just the right sweet bite!!
After lunch, we all decorated birdhouses.
We painted them and then added
 pebbles, moss, corks, 
and other goodies.
It was a very fun project!
I received so many wonderful gifts.
I love them all!
A little surprise visitor, in the photo, Dougal.
Thanks girlfriends for throwing the best birthday party ever!
Cheers to You!!

Let's see what you've created this week!

If you have been featured on
Simple & Sweet Fridays,
feel free to add my button!
Rooted In Thyme

Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!

Rooted In Thyme


  1. What a very special birthday party and everything looks so yummy. The food is to die for - wow. Table, decorations and everything is so perfect. I'm so glad that you enjoyed your party. Looks like a great bunch of friends.

  2. Hi Jody,

    You certainly are loved! You are a lucky lady to have been given such a beautiful celebration for your birthday! From all the delicious delicacies to the dazzling decor, everything looks like it was prepared with lots of love and care! You and your gal pals look like a happy, fun loving group of friends!

    Thank YOU for hosting THIS great party every week!


  3. What a beautiful birthday party !!!
    Those charger plates are fabulous and love love love the cake!!!
    Happy Belated Birthday and many thanks for hosting!

  4. What a wonderful birthday party! The table setting was gorgeous :) Thank you so much for hosting, Jody! Belated birthday hugs and Spring greetings from Australia♥ ~Pernilla

  5. Thanks so much for featuring me this week!! What a wonderful surprise!!

    The tablescape and party with friend's looks fantastic and that a great time was had by all!!

    Thanks so much for hosting and I will be giving you a Shout Out in my Next post..


  6. You have wonderful friends! What an amazing party they threw for you. Wow! All of the touches are great!

  7. Happy Birthday Jody. What a wonderful and so creative party. All of it looks yummy and so decorative. So pretty and so special.

  8. What a perfectly lovely party for you - hope your birthday was the best one yet :-)

  9. Your friends gave you such a beautiful Birthday party...and the food looks amazing! Thanks for hosting this weeks party and also for including my blue pumpkins in your features! Hugs, Penny

  10. OMG, Love the photos of your Birthday Party, thanks for sharing...
    The Cake is to die for, the table setting is so gorgeous and the plate display is my fav.
    Love the bird house too... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  11. Forgot to say you gals look beautiful too :)

  12. wow, that is a fairy party to SIGHHHH for! all those yummies....and YOU have such wonderful friends and neighbors too! lovely!

  13. What a beautiful party, Linda really went all out! It looks like you all had a fabulous time...Happy belated Birthday to you!

  14. What a lot of thought, creativity and time (maybe even Thyme?) went into this spectacular themed birthday party. Super ideas!
    Thank you for hosting THIS party!

  15. Two fabulous parties in one post. Such a wonderful Birthday Party with such artistry. Thank you for hosting your party today and belated Happy Birthday Greetings.

  16. Oh how awesome! I love this theme! The wood chargers and tree stump cake are my favorite touches. Looks like so much fun. Happy belated birthday!

    PS - Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting :)

  17. Jody...I think the mailman missed delivering my invite. I needed to be there! AMAZING!! I want your friends! LOL!-aimee

  18. Happy Birthday Jody...
    Your party looks so fun...the table and the FOOD! I love those little beet bites..and that cake was fantastic..just right for your gardening self....I enjoyed your post and your party...
    Love, Mona

  19. Jody, thanks sooooo much for the feature! I love that arrangement for the fairy and I'm so glad that you enjoyed her as much as I did!
    Happy Birthday and I must say that your friends are so sweet and must think the world of you. You girls always have the best get togethers. That cake!
    Have a great weekend, Tina

  20. What a wonderful group of friends to make your birthday so special!! :)

  21. Oh, Jody!! You are spoiled! What a great group of friends you have and very, very talented! The table settings, the food, the cake, the birdhouse projects...what a fantastic time! Thanks for sharing your pictures!

    I'm joining your party this week, thanks for hosting! :)


  22. What a wonderful party! Happy Birthday! Thanks for hosting!

  23. What an incredibly sweet birthday party! It looks a though you have a very talented group of girlfriends. The food looked delicious, the table settings & the cake were fantastic. Happy Birthday!

  24. Looks like such a fun party you all had! Thanks for letting me join in this week!


  25. What a fantastic party! The tablescape is awesome, and the food looks great. Most of all, it looks like you all had a lot of fun! Happy Birthday!

  26. Hi Jody - what wonderful featured blog posts - wow!

    Loved your party - thanks for hosting!

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  27. Wow, Jody, you girls don't mess around. What a luncheon! They love you a lot. xo

  28. My goodness what a fabulous party! Not only are my sox knocked off, they are halfway to London.

  29. Hi, Jody, splendid tablescape..elegant and rustic, like it much:)Thanks for featuring my aged books:)Hugs, Marinela

  30. What a fun party! Everything looks gorgeous...the food, the decor, the ladies! Thanks for hosting! Linking up for the first time and I'm a new follower!

  31. Such a lovely setting for a party and the food looked delicious! Thanks so much for hosting. Have a wonderful weekend.

  32. Fabulous Party, thanks for hosting:) Hugs, Biljana

  33. Happy belated birthday to you Jody. What a wonderful party and wonderful friends. Thanks for hosting again this week dear lady.

  34. Happy Birthday, what a great party, the food looks delicious, lucky you. Thank you so much for hosting.

  35. Oh my you just thought of everything! That is the most amazing cake I have seen in a very long time. Bravo!

  36. Your birthday party was amazing from the gorgeous food to the gorgeous setting! WOW! Your girlfriends know how to throw a party! Loved the features too. Fantastic post!

  37. Your birthday party was amazing from the gorgeous food to the gorgeous setting! WOW! Your girlfriends know how to throw a party! Loved the features too. Fantastic post!

  38. Your birthday party was amazing from the gorgeous food to the gorgeous setting! WOW! Your girlfriends know how to throw a party! Loved the features too. Fantastic post!

  39. So many amazing, beautiful minds gathered in one place!
    Your parties are EVENTS to be cherished!
    Happy Birthday, beautiful Jody!

  40. Happy belated birthday, Jody! Looks like it was absolutely wonderful -- lovely friends, beautiful tablescape, and great friends! Thanks so much for hosting!

  41. How delightful!!! Wishing you a Very Happy Belated Birthday Jody!
    Hugs to you...

  42. Hy Jody! Happy birthday!!! I'm glad to become one of your followers and also thank very much for becoming one of mine's too. Hugs, Cristina

  43. Oh my you just thought of everything! That is the most amazing cake I have seen in a very long time. I am suggesting you that you can celebrate your birthday party in Gurgaon's best farmhouse .


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