Thursday, July 17, 2014

~Crochet Tea Cup and Dried Flower Bouquets & Simple & Sweet Fridays~

I found this cute crochet tea cup in a gift shop.
If you crochet, I think it would be a sweet gift
 to make for someone.
When I saw it I had to buy it.
In the garden today I saw some
Queen Anne's Lace. It makes me think of lacy crochet.
So dainty and detailed.
Also the Lace Cap Hydrangea reminds me of crochet work too!
Soft and delicate.
I started cutting flowers to make some dried bouquets
for the house.
I took out some of my baskets from the storage shed.
The pink hydrangea in the front yard had plenty of blooms to cut.

Maybe I'll make another wreath for the front entry door.
I love seeing them all together.

If you have been featured on
Simple & Sweet Fridays,
feel free to add my button!
Rooted In Thyme

Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!

Rooted In Thyme


  1. Thanks for hosting each week.

    Your flowers are amazing. My hydrangeas are still trying to decide if they want to bloom or not.

  2. I have never seen a crochet tea cup...such a sweet find. I love all of your gorgeous blooms and how pretty they are in the baskets on the table! :) Thank you for featuring my post from last week! That hollyhock is close to 12 feet is amazing me every day! :)

  3. Hi Jody,

    I love the way you linked the dainty crochet tea cup with the Queen Anne's lace! Your hydrangeas are so pretty and will make lovely dried bouquets. Thanks so much for hosting and have a lovely weekend!


  4. You have a beautiful abundance of blooms Amazing!
    Your trip away was fun to see.
    If I was much younger..a small farm would please me:)Not huge..:)

  5. Beautiful.
    Lucky to have such gorgeous hydrangeas!


  6. Love seeing all of those pretty flowers together! That tea cup is so pretty!

  7. I have never seen a crocheted tea cup before, so cute! I love all the pretty pictures of the flowers especially the Queen Anne's Lace, gorgeous!

    Gigi @ Old World Patina

  8. Jody & Stan,
    What a pleasant surprise to find that I am among your featured guests!!!
    Thank you!
    I adore Queen Anne's Lace!!!
    While it grows freely along the roadside as we travel to the other side
    of the Prairie to visit my Dad. . .it is too arid and hot to grow here.
    I have looked for seed each year, hoping to give it a try, to no avail.
    The newly planted burmed Munstead Lavendar is not blooming,
    so my thoughts of fresh lavendar bundles to dry may not reach frutation this Season.
    However, the Sunflowers are creating a profusion indoors and out. . .
    and that makes me e x t r e m e ly happy!
    Thanks for hosting Simple & Sweet Fridays each week!

  9. Thanks so much for featuring my post on Colmar, France!

  10. Thanks so much for hosting the party! Your flowers are beautiful and that tea cup is sooo sweet.

  11. Your flowers are gorgeous. Thanks for the party!

  12. The flowers in the baskets were sensational. THanks for hosting a fun party.

    Sarah. @ BackwoodsBabies

  13. Jody, what gorgeous blooms! Love the lacy Queen Ann's Lace and Hydrangeas just make me swoon! The little teacup is just precious. I agree patina is fabulous! Thanks for hosting.

  14. Hi Jody, wonderful blooms. Pink Hydrangea are so beautiful and lush. Mine remain blue. Thank you for hosting.

  15. Hi there! I loved your post! From the crocheted teacup and gorgeous blooms to your divine porch chandelier! Lovely! Thanks for hosting! Blessings, Cecilia

  16. Your dried flowers are beautiful! Thanks for hosting!

  17. omg those cuttings are so gorgeous, the table , the beautiful!!!!

  18. All the beautiful flowers!! How incredibly beautiful. :)

  19. Pinned your crochet tea cup! Newest follower, will try and link up to your party.
    Thanks for hosting.

  20. Your flowers are gorgeous! Thanks for the party!

  21. Oh that tea cup is so pretty! Your table of flowers is gorgeous too. I look forward to seeing your new wreath. Thank you for hosting. Big hugs!

  22. The teacup looks like it was modeled on the Queen Anne's lace. That's simply lovely as is just about every photo in this post!

  23. Thanks so much for hosting another fun party!
    Have a great weekend,

  24. Thank you! I love stopping by your fabulous party each week. Please come and party with us. We would love to have you.
    Happy Friday! Lou Lou Girls

  25. Really beautiful dried bouquets you have shared here. These are just looking wonderful. I never order dried flower bouquet before but now I am thinking to send it to my parent’s on their anniversary. Can you suggest reliable Flower Delivery services in SF?

  26. Please continue this great work and I look forward to more of your awesome blog posts. barbara dried flowers

  27. What a delightful and creative idea! The combination of crochet tea cups and dried flower bouquets brings such a charming and unique touch. It's perfect for adding a bit of whimsy and elegance to any space. I love how these projects blend the beauty of handcrafted items with natural elements. Thanks for sharing this inspiration! Dried Flowers

  28. I truly appreciate the way this blog seamlessly blends crochet craftsmanship with dried flowers . It's a wonderfully creative DIY approach to decor that exudes both artistic flair and heartfelt charm. Great work! Looking forward to reading more blogs like this in the future.


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