Thursday, November 20, 2014

~Dinner Under the Stars and Simple & Sweet Fridays #142~

Stan and I have been planning our
 Thanksgiving Dinner with the kids.
We will all be together this year for the first time in 5 years.
The weather in San Diego is pretty nice now, 70 degrees today.
I thought a holiday feast under the stars would be wonderful!
We always love eating outdoors.
  The fallen leaves in the garden 
 reminds us of the holidays.
I added some hydrangeas from the garden. 
 Some of our pomegranates added for the centerpiece.
I love using my mother's vintage glasses with a silver tray.
I found some paisley napkins and
added our antique silverware.
I just bought these beautiful hammered mugs at Pier 1.
 Gold etched grape wine glasses set the mood, for a fun dinner.
Our neighbors had given us this beautiful scarf 
from Germany last year.
The colors were perfect with the centerpiece.
Holiday crackers to celebrate after dinner.
I love having lots of candles everywhere on the table.
Now that it gets darker earlier, I set the table to make sure I had everything I needed for the tablescape.

I picked some berries from our
 pepper tree to accent the table.
With the stars out and the lights turned on, 
it will make for a very memorable dinner.
Looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving together.

Now, lets see what you've been working on for the holidays!!

If you have been featured on
Simple & Sweet Fridays,
feel free to add my button!
Rooted In Thyme

Enjoy the Simple & Sweet Friday linky party!

Rooted In Thyme


  1. What a gorgeous Thanksgiving table you've set Jody! I love all the natural elements like the fruit and the flowers; so rustic and seasonal. The glow from the candles will surely make the autumn ambiance a memorable occasion. Thanks so much for hosting and have a lovely weekend!


  2. Jody,
    Thanks so much for the party!! Your Tablescape is lovely!!


  3. Truly a beautiful table and stunning setting under the stars.
    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  4. Jody, that is the most stunning Thanksgiving tablescape I've seen! Gorgeous!

  5. Thank you so much for featuring my Thanksgiving kitchen table. Your outdoor Thanksgiving table is gorgeous! I wish I could have mine outdoors but it is usually pretty cold here in Colorado on Thanksgiving. Have a great day!

  6. Dear Jody and Stan,
    Thank you so much for featuring my honey roasted pumpkin ravioli! You made my day :0)
    I'm so excited for you and your whole family to all be together this Thanksgiving. Your table is set so beautiful . . . and we're so lucky to live in Southern California where we could enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner outside if we want to :0)
    You'll have to check out my J. Woeste link above! I know that you're a fan too.
    Have a wonderful week(end),

  7. so wundervolle inspirationen!!! danke für die tollen bilder!!! einen schönen abend wünscht angie aus deutschland

  8. Thank you for hosting, Jody! Your tablescape is just beautiful...enjoy your feast next week!

  9. Jody thanks for the feature and hosting as always.

    Gorgeous pictures and table


  10. Wow! What a beautiful setup. I love your garden and I am so jealous. Wish I had a garden like yours...

    -Priyam @

  11. Your Thanksgiving table is gorgeous. Love all the features too!

  12. Imagine having Thanksgiving under the stars! Lucky! I'll think of you as I look out the window at our snow. :) Thanks for hosting your party!

  13. Hi Jody, wow your tables cape is gorgeous! Thanks for hosting and enjoy your weekend. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving too!

  14. Jody & Stan,
    Blessings to you and your family at Thanksgiving, dear friends!
    Your tablescape under the stars takes on an ethereal ambiance!!!
    Precious memories in the making!
    Thank you for hosting Simple and Sweet Fridays each week!!!

  15. Dining under the stars for Thanksgiving looks enchanting. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  16. Wow! What a beautiful outdoor Thanksgiving you've prepared! You are so lucky to have such an incredible experience.

    Thank you for hosting the lovely link up. Hope you enjoy the next week and have a very happy Thanksgiving!


  17. Hi Jody,
    Your Thanksgiving table is totally beautiful, so romantic and inviting!
    Wishing you and yours an enchanting celebration,
    Linda at Beautiful Ideas

  18. Oh Jody, what a beautiful table - everything looks perfect. It's like magic out on the patio. So glad that your going to have all of your family together.
    Great party - thanks so much for hosting.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  19. Thanks for hosting another great party!

  20. Jody,
    Thank you for featuring my Christmas Beautiful Ideas #2 Paperwhites. Seeing my photo in your features was so exciting.

    Your Thanksgiving table looks wonderful. While my sister lived in San Diego for several years, I was fortunate to experience that wonderful weather and eating outside all the time. Have a fantastic time with all of your family.


  21. Hi, Jody. Your table (and patio) are absolutely gorgeous!! How great to have a Thanksgiving meal outside, and especially in that patio and at THAT table! We LOVE San Diego and the great weather there! Enjoy your family gathering! And thank you for hosting. ~Zuni

  22. Jody, your table and pato are so beautiful! Thanks a lot for featuring my pallet Christmas tree. Have a great weekend, hugs Biljana

  23. Hello cute lady! I always love to stop and party with you. Thank you for hosting. Please come and party with us. We would really appreciate it.
    Happy Friday! Lou Lou Girls

  24. What a beautiful table and how lovely to dine under the stars! Thanks so much for hosting! Blessings, Cecilia

  25. You are so creative! What a lovely lovely table! truly a delight! Patsy from

  26. Beautiful Ideas, lovely table, just georgeous. Have a nice week. Hugs to You.

  27. Oh wow! That is just the most gorgeous table setting I've ever seen. You really know your style. I think it's both super romantic and beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing the lovely photos! Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

    Ian Hawkins @ Wickerworks

  28. Your table is stunning, Jody! The mere fact that it's outdoors is absolutely fabulous to me you know! 23 degrees here!! I simply love everything...all the bright golds and reds, the fruit and berries. The twinkle lights. I know your family is excited to be together after 5 years, the memories are in the making!

    Love and blessings to you and Stan this Thanksgiving!

    Jane x


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